Training bite inhibition when none exists


New member
We have what we think is 1.5-2 years old shelter dog who resource guards (getting better, but prone to relapses) and has zero bite inhibition except when he wanted to ‘mouth’ when in cuddle mode after sleeping or eating. I stop cuddle mode when he does this, and he hasn’t really mouthed in awhile. The shelter warned of his bite behavior, but because he’s a small breed and young, we didn’t take it as seriously as we should have. We thought he’d calm down after a few months of adjustment, especially since he was neutered shortly before we adopted him. All other times, the force of his bites is about level 2-3. His jaw force is enough to bruise and sometimes break skin. He does give a snarl/raised upper lip growl warning before he does it, but lately he’s not giving much warning.

We can’t trust him around groomers. I gave up on that, and I’m semi successful grooming him at home except recently, I feel like I have to wear a hockey mask to keep him somewhat decent. Body armor for clipping nails. My arms have some interesting bruises. We’ve gone through a few different muzzles and he’s managed to get out of all of them easily.

So now I am desperate for advice about training bite inhibition — is it possible to do in the teenage period if he’s not play biting or mouthing anymore? How do I approach this? He’s going from 0 to 60 in an incredibly short duration.
@williesfriend Hes biting you to hurt you, if he bites softly during mouthing than the chance of him knowing bite inhibition. You need a professional trainer for these types of things. Stop ignoring your dog boundaries, there's a reason why instead of warning he goes straight to biting. Understand nervous behavior such as whale eyeing, intense stare, stiff body posture, licking lips, yawning, . . . etc. Also edit to add you're going for grooming the wrong way. Really wrong. You need to slowly introduce him, and stop when he's uncomfortable. give treats with each pet, or touching paws. Do not ever ever just clip his nails like that. Each time you're doing that you're breaking his trust with u. These types of issues takes years to fix. Let him keep the long nails and walk him daily so they won't be that long.
@kotunspecial Thanks so much. Oh, you’re right he’s biting to hurt. It’s like he doesn’t mouth anymore, just kill bite.

We did a ton of ‘touch’ object sensitivity training with a trainer and practice a LOT with him. But when it comes down to actual grooming or touching paws, he goes bezerk. We put the clippers near his bed and treated him every time he looked at them. We treat when we touch his paw. He attacked me when I gave him a treat.

It’s not the objects that’s triggering him — it’s anyone touching him. Baths are fine. Blow dryer is fine. Brush is fine. But any scissors, hair clippers, or nail clippers that go anywhere close to his body where he can’t “touch” with his nose, he will clamp down without warning.

He does the whale eyes stare all the time when we try to groom him. We even ignored it just for a week just to give him a break, and he started getting a few mats, which is painful to him. So we had to do something because it seems no groomer wants to even try when we warn them of his bite history. He pawed three different muzzles off his head in less than a minute each. This after we patiently muzzle trained him to the point where he would stick his nose in expecting a treat.

The bite is REALLY hard, vicious, and repetitive. I cried in the bathroom for an hour looking at my hand and arm. He came over to me and licked my arm for about five minutes, and ngl, I was a bit terrified.
@williesfriend that makes sense as matts do become painful, but you should try brushing him about every few days so they won't become matted. Use a different type of brush, for example deshedding.( I must've misunderstood your post as u said brush is fine, I want to clarify through edit. Brush him like every few strokes, throw treat on ground. if he's starts feeling uncomfortable stop. Do this every day until he's slowly getting used to it. use kong filer treat. or something very high value such as cheese. If he showing any discomfort stop, and slowly build that)I would stop trying to groom him myself and let it grow, until he's comfortable with it. I would seek a groomer that are familiar with aggressive dogs, and sedate them/put them to sleep. Honestly since this is a foster dog, it sounds like he had a terrible experience with grooming hence is why he's acting crazy. I would completely stop doing everything that triggers him. Though if pets trigger him, just stop with it, Unfortunately this is a serious issue and if he was a bigger dog he would be been put down. I would highly highly recommend a dog trainer for this, and expert one non the less. Also see a behaviorist to see if they can give him any meds.
I would also like to mention if he goes bites your hand for treats, do not put your hand near his face. Throw it on the ground. If he starts randomly attacking you. hide into a corner tuck your face and arms inside, and show your back to him. So he can't reach for you. My dog likes to nips at me and I taught him bite inhibition, so he doesn't bite. Though he bites harder now, because he wants my intention but I ignore him ( he playful bites). So I was taught by a dog trainer to tuck my body in and redirect his bites to a toy. But it depends if they're playful bites or aggressions. My dog doesn't go after me anymore and now only goes after the toys that's on the ground. Try having kong to relax your dog. like fill it up with yogurt. I honestly wish I can help you much further but I am not an expert on dogs and only learn this from research and dog trainers. Ive had the privilege of having my dog as a puppy and train him to not be aggressive. I take his warning signs very seriously, if he licks his lips while petting him I stop.
@kotunspecial Thank you. How did you teach bite inhibition? If I give him a chew toy so his mouth is occupied while trying to cut his hair, he’ll drop it and go to bite HARD whatever human limb is near him. He loves frozen kongs and even that can’t overcome his aggressive behavior during grooming.

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