Training advice needed


New member
Hi dog people! I have a very excitable puppy and I need advice on what to do when I come home from work.

My husband and I have had a schedule change (jobs) so that I leave later and come home later than he does. It used to be the reverse.

The old routine was that I would put Zelda puppy out in the backyard/garage with food and water every morning, and then come home from work and take ten to fifteen minutes to myself to go potty, set my stuff down, just breathe for a minute and get over my road rage. Then I would let her inside the actual house, give her a bone to chew on, pets, about ten to 15 minutes of direct attention. By the time my husband got home (about an hour later) she would be pretty calm and not spend more than ten minutes of wanting his special attention.

What I’m noticing with the schedule being reversed is that when I come in the door from work is she’s desperate for my attention.

When I say the schedule has been reversed; I mean that I spend a good five or six minutes saying goodbye to Zelda puppy for the day, like it was, but I’m not forcing her to go outside when I leave or providing food or water, because husband leaves later and it’s his job now to shorten her discomforts.

Now, husband and I have had multiple discussions about how I want at least ten minutes to myself to just come home and go potty/chill for just a bit, and his solution so far has been to take Zelda puppy for a decent walk (as in he comes home without the bombardment of puppy affection, takes ten minutes to situate himself, and then immediately takes her for a good 45 minute walk) but I still walk into “MOM mom MOM hi HELLO I LOVE YOU ALL THE TIME mom Mom MOM mOm hI HeLlO pLeASe lOvE mE MMMMOOOOMMMM” levels of energy.

I literally have to walk into my own front door going “Wait. Wait. Let me in. LET. Me. IN. STOP. Let me in. Where are your nummies? Where are your nummy num nums?”

And then I have to give her a whole second treat in order to get her to not be a 125 lbs spazoid menace. And then kick her out of the bathroom because I just got home and she’s a dog that doesn’t understand an hour long commute and I Have To Go.

Any advice at all would be really helpful.

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