toys you swear by?


New member
hi, everyone!

i’ve read several threads online, but i’d like to know what toys all of you swear by. i just adopted my first australian cattle dog (though he’s a rescue and has some husky mixed in too). he’s estimated to be 8 months, and he’s definitely a chewer. i’ve owned all kinds of herding dogs, but this is my first ACD. none of my previous (or current) dogs have been massive chewers

so far the only thing he hasn’t managed to obliterate within minutes is the chuckit! tri bumper, but he’s had it for ~2 days and it’s about to break. have you found any toys that don’t tear immediately?

thanks for the advice in advance!
@poseylynn Seconding the jolly ball. It’s a tough toy. Though, mine has managed to chip each of his canines and I think it’s from going at the ball too hard, so keep an eye out for that.
@nikknakk This is going to make me sound like a grouch, but the only toys that I let my dog play with on his own are going to be made of rubber, like a rubber Chuck-it ball, a Kong or a Jolly ball. I also let him chew on the plastic chews, like Nylabones. Out of these, the jolly ball is his favorite and it seems pretty indestructible.

I do have plush toys that we use for tug and fetch, like the Kong stuffed animals, but anything with fabric and/or stuffing is only for playtime with me, so it gets put away after play.

This extends the life of the toys by a lot and I can always have my dog super focused on me when one of these "special" toys comes out, because they are a novelty.

I'm also terrified of him ever swallowing any fabric or a squeaker.