Toe removal


New member
My dog (9 y/o 95lb GSD/Malamute cross) has interdigital cysts, and one on the 4th digit has gradually developed into a quarter-sized tumor. Been to two different dermatologists that say toe removal is the
best option. Everything I have read about toe removal of dogs her size says complications and chronic lameness are common. And also a high chance of
infection and recurring tumor.

She has had a number of medical issues over the years and became resistant to antibiotics. One more infection could do her in. Even though the vets I have taken her to recommend toe removal, none of them have performed it or treated dogs with a toe removal.

Has anyone here experienced this or knew of a patient that had a successful toe removal? Is it true that they'll be doomed to limp for the rest of their life? Putting
stress on already compromised joints and muscles? My girl is heavy/chunky and technically a senior, she puts a lot of weight on her front due to arthritis in her back legs.

Currently, I'm washing then medicating then drying and then wrapping her paw once every 2-3 days as she cannot do an E-collar because she bites/licks the tumors and cysts to the point where her paw is an open
wound. That's how the last infection that nearly wiped her started. This issue has lasted a full year, and she's figured out ways around the cone despite our best efforts. We are all worn out from this, and I just want what’s best for her.

The major problem with wrapping is that local fungal infections reoccur because of the moist/warm environment, which irritates the cysts and tumor even more.

It's either keep doing this regimen or get the surgery and hope nothing goes wrong. I'm scared. Any advice is appreciated.
@peytonfl00 My dog is smaller (60lb), rottie x chow, 12-13 yrs old. She had her toe removed at the end of June.

In any case, I'll tell you my experience.

She didn't have a hard time getting around on flat ground, but jumping and stairs were rather difficult while she was healing. I ended up carrying her over things like stairs. She ended up getting a pretty bad infection because it's been so hot, so with her foot wrapped for the first few days it fostered a great habitat for yuck-o bacteria. So, that's certainly a consideration. It's obviously pretty hard to keep something like a paw clean.

But now she's all back to normal. Stitches came out after 3 weeks, she can jump and take stairs again. Now her toe isn't causing her pain and bleeding all the time, and she seems so much happier.

Let me know if you have questions
@peytonfl00 My dog had a toe removal on his left back leg few months ago (bone tumor) and I was as scared as you are right now. My dog is 11 years old 90 lbs pit mix and also had many other health issues before. But everything went well and he suffers way less now, even though sometimes he does hurt a bit (very rarely though). If you have the money for the surgery (mine was around 1600$ in Canada), I think you should go for it before the tumor gets worse. You could always try to find another vet who has done similar surgeries if you feel uneasy about your vet.

My dog can now go on long walks and run like a madman after the damn chipmunks teasing him in my yard without any problem. We can play fetch like we use to before he had his tumor (the tumor hurt him so bad he was limping).

I hope this helps you a bit, but don't forget that I am no vet expert.