Today we worked through the impossible: charging dogs and an electric fence


New member
Hey y’all!

Today I was so damn proud of my dog that I had to post about it here. We were going for a walk on a trail, when I see two golden retrievers laying in the sun in their yard with no fence. (Their yard backed up to the trail.) Okay, I see them. They seem chill. Cool. I have my husband and our stable dog walk up ahead to assess the situation. Then they start erupting. They are barking, running back and forth. Causing a ruckus. Wonderful. My husband calls out that the yard has an electric fence. Okay I’ll do a u-turn. Well now there’s a dog behind us. Gotta just go for it. Grabbed the treats and did a treat transport right past those goldens.

Well my dog killed it. He was clearly nervous but no lunging/barking/snapping. He walked straight past them and then I gave him a treat scatter. He shook off and was ready to go again. Went on to pass several more dogs (on leash) with no reaction at all.

So. Proud.
@peterngo I’ll tell you what, having a reactive dog can be frustratingly difficult as you surely know. But it’s these types of moments- when your pup makes a breakthrough, when your hard work comes together, even just momentarily- well, it’s just about the BEST feeling you can get as a pet owner. Good job!
@peterngo That’s amazing! Congratulations! If things get rough again, as they often do with learning and behavior modification, remember this moment as a milestone and you’ll be right back here again shortly. Proud of you guys!
@imagebeastmarkbeast 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)

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