Tips or any advice?


New member
I went to the shelter and adopted a dog yesterday (GSD 1y/o female) amd I guess they have to spay her before she comes home, so she’d be ready to come home tomorrow.

Problem being, I have 1 dog at home already (GSD 3ish y/o neutered male). I know introducing them properly is super important but any tips or advice on how to properly introduce the 2 if the one I’m bringing home is just coming out of surgery? 😭
@joelashley I’m hoping they will allow her to rest for several days before you pick her up. If not I’d be sure to have 2 crates. Using common sense, not allow then close until she heals. Last option ask them if you can promise to return her day in 30-90 days so you can ensure your puppets get along with proper introduction good luck 🍀 let us know how you are doing! Congratulations 💫🐾🐾🐕🐕💫
@elfynity Sadly they want us to pick her up and take her home same day. It doesn’t help that they want us to come from 6pm - 7pm. We definitely have a crate we’ll be keeping her in until she heals. I just know they mentioned the walking method where you let them meet on common ground but being that she wouldnt be able to walk after surgery, that’s where I was a bit worried on introducing them to each other. Thank you for the advice!
@joelashley Then if you can put her in separate room close to you. If not separate crates but keep your male close to you. Tend to her with him in his crate. Cover both crates with dark blanket or sheet. Keeps visuals from causing anxiety. Take your boy outside more. Crate him and baby her with great food. If food causes any problems buy some farmers dog food and mix with kibble. Get roasted chick and use for both as bid rewards. Give your boy new toys every day super good treats. Give her your old shirt and blankets. Gosh be well 😉💕🐕💫🐾
@joelashley I’d ask them if they can give her at least a few days to recover.

I’d just keep them separate until she’s recovered enough to handle the introduction. If things don’t go well, it could be catastrophic for her recovery. Not worth the risk if you can avoid it