Tips for correcting tantrums and barking/biting for attention?

@angeltigerr39 The best advice I’ve received is redirect before it happens Or as it happens. Snap them out of the behavior by commanding sit, down, paw, anything they are good at and have a high value treat with you to reward them with and obviously use as bait. I don’t give the reward until the 2nd 3rd fulfilled demand. (My Heeler catches on to what I ask for early on)
THEN what I do is offer to play as the ultimate reward. After the mini training session. My pup has done this naughty behavior less and less.
The main culprit for this has been a lack of training on my part ( which my pup enjoys because he gets to work for his treats) or he asks me to play and gets frustrated so he tugs at my pants.

I’ve been training pup to bring me toy when he’s feeling playful and we play in sessions! So if I’m doing something I’ll stop, say WAIT… have him patiently wait for me until I finish and then say OK PLAY! And reward him with more play time.
@dovesong Totally agree with all of this. The "when they start doing this, distract them with training" is key, as is having them listen to a "wait" command and then telling them to go get a toy so you can play.

They're such active and velco-y little guys, can't blame them for thinking theyre more important than phone scrolling :)

Something that has really been helpful for us is "playing" sit on the dog. Super duper helpful. You'll find the best way for you two to play, but what I do is put on his euro lead, get his bed and put it at the foot of my office chair, and then sit down in my chair with the leash around my waist. Then I work at my desk. He'll sit or lay down. And he'll stay down until I tell him to get up. If he tries to get up before then or he starts bugging me, I'll use the leash to apply gentle pressure towards the ceiling to get him to sit. And he gets bored, and lays down.

With all this being said- First take them out to potty, then make sure they have water, and that you didn't forget a meal time, and that they've gotten a good deal of activity and play already. Then choose one of the aforementioned options. But if you arent already playing it, sit on the dog is a really good skill to master
@angeltigerr39 OMG our ACD has started doing this exact same thing and I have similar results with all those methods, it's getting really frustrating. I've tried to do what someone suggested and give her a command like sit or lay down, which she does with a huff and then continues to bark from whatever position. Once we get a moment of calm I'll tell her to go get her toy and redirect to that for a bit, but like you said I'm afraid of teaching her that chain of events, and often these tantrums happen when we're trying to get her to settle, I don't want her to think every second of every day is play time.

I'll be following to see if you get any other suggestions!!!
@angeltigerr39 Also, I just watched the video and that’s my dog lol that’s exactly what my pup does.
Have her favorite toy with you so that way you offer it as bait/ reward! Since she has Pitty / Heeler in her I’m sure she loves a good tug! Short increments… and offer as reward for her patience.
The short training will also help A LOT.
@angeltigerr39 I had this problem with mine too. I'm no expert, but from my experience:

Yelp/say “ouch!”: She does not care or thinks i’m encouraging her to play.

Correct. This is a reaction and it will encourage the behavior.

Do nothing and be boring like a rock

This is the approach I took and it worked. Be warned, it will get worse before it gets better. She will become increasingly frustrated and work harder at getting your attention including muzzle punches, biting, and (ear piercing) barking. Eventually she will have an "extinction burst" and give up. It took about two weeks for me completely ignoring my girl's attention seeking before she completely stopped this behavior. When I say completely ignore I mean it too. Don't make a sound and don't look at her. Wear jeans or something a bit more bite resistant if you have it.

You can pair this with some preemptive redirection. Having a variety of interesting chew toys can help. Keeping your girl mentally stimulated with training and games (hide and seek type games were my girls favorites) will go a long way towards curbing all unwanted behaviors. If you're having a busy day and cant engage her I've found that a properly loaded kong (sugar free peanut butter + large chunks of anything else) can keep my girl working for hours.