Tick Removal Help Please!!!


New member
I just recently started a job at a groomer and on Thursday, we were brought a 20lb dog to groom and bathe.

I have never seen anything this vile and disgusting. In addition to all her physical ills, this poor girl was quite literally COVERED head to paw pads in ticks, some as big as a quarter. (You could not touch her without touching at least 100 ticks at any given time)

Long story short, we were able to convince the "owner" (read: neglector/abuser) to give her to me. (She was never indoors, in her 13 years with the person, she always lived outside, and typically ate every 2 ot 3 days)

Since I've had her here (and had her checked out by the vet who works with the groomer), I've given her a Dawn bath and pulled another probably 300 ticks off of her, but they're STILL COMING. I have her relegated to a room where my others (I have three) can't go, and she potties out front on a leash instead of in the back yard, but I need these ticks gone. I find them crawling on her, crawling on my floor and my walls... today alone I've found at least 5 free roaming ones, and another 10 on her (some engorged as big as a dime and I don't know how the heck they got there, because they were in an area I'd already ensured was clear!)

If anyone has ANY ideas on what to do, I'm all ears and would be SO beyond grateful!!!

*For the record, though, the vet said she can't handle any type of Bravecto or medicated removal right now because she's in such a fragile state.

I asked if I should just put her down and he said that IF she can get past the current hump (meaning infections pretty much everywhere, anemia from the ticks, and some significant ENT problems that we're not even addressing just yet), then she has a chance at a good rest of her life, however long that may be at her age (and I fully intend to give her that, because she is a princess and deserves the world). ❤️