Thoughts on the dog care training collar

I’m a dog trainer in training and I have experience with conditioning ecollar on dogs and have only really worked with the mini educator and the dogtra collars. A client came in today for a board and train and their dog uses the dog care training collar. I’ve never used this collar and thankfully the owner brought it along with the instructions. I don’t plan on using it as it’s not needed for this B&T at the moment.l, but when I tried it out I was a little surprised at the level of intensity. I tested it out on a 6 thinking that it should be like the mini educator and I shouldn’t feel it but I was wrong. I got a pretty goof tingly feeling from it. It was rather uncomfortable and felt like when you you put your hands on the gimmick kids toy that shocked you. From my understanding it goes from 0-100 like the other collars I’ve used but I was wondering if that collar is supposed to be that intense at such a low level. On another note after browsing grouch the instructions to figure out how to use it and test it for myself, the diagrams were constantly placing the collar in the middle of the neck throat area and even said if the collar wasn’t working correctly to spray water where the collar would be placed. It made no mention of where exactly the collar should be placed only that it should be snug. This to me is a red flag, but if it’s not I would love to hear why and I’d love to hear your thoughts on it if you’ve used or tested it.
@jamesrawlings973 I actually use one and it’s worked great for me. A 6 on mine is just a tingle. It starts having a little kick at around 20. I mainly just use the vibrate for recall and low level of 15-25 if he ignores me which is super rare. I’ve tried 50/100 one time on my hand and it’s definitely a big shock, so you just gotta keep it at a lower level. 25 is pretty much the highest I’ll ever go with it because otherwise it’s too strong. I’m just using the dogcare one rn until I can afford the mini educator. So I don’t think it’s a great collar for beginner dog owners if they don’t know what they’re doing
@godgirl8767 Thank you for your input. I defiantly felt a stronger tingle then I would on an mini educator and 25 is a hood cut off for this collar when I tested it. I can understand not having the financials to get a reputable ecollar and do agree that if this is your first time using it I wouldn’t recommend this ine specifically. With that being said how did you find the instruction manual?
@jamesrawlings973 It came with one in the packaging. I have a mini educator too the dogcare one is my extra for my dog that doesn’t really need an ecollar anymore. Comparing them next to each other the mini educator is definitely not as harsh.
@godgirl8767 I mean like in a quality standpoint. From what I saw the images for the placement of the dog were off and they kept it on the center of the dogs neck/throat. That itself is a little concerning to me for pet owners who don’t know any better about the placement. It looked very easy to understand which is great but I’m not too sure about the actual content in the manual itself.
@jamesrawlings973 That sounds like it is a "shock" collar which is the very thing that gives ecollars a bad rep.

Good thing you tried it on yourself first of course. If I were you I would ask your clients what their budget is and show them the way towards using stim instead of shock. Dogtra, sport dog, chameleon, Garmin/TT, ecollar technologies etc
@clewis I would always try a collar Ive never used before on myself. I’d rather I get hurt than the dog first but this dog doesn’t need the ecollar for his B&T. Our facility also offers the mini educator at a cheaper price than online so it’s always an option for them to get another one. I’ll deffo bring it up with the head trainer and discuss it with them so they can get a feel for it too.
@jamesrawlings973 I am aware that a person's love for their pet(s) is, in fact, quite strong and true at PetCareRx. It is not even accurate to suggest that your pet is "like a part of the family"

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