Thoughts on older dog’s behavioral changes


New member
First time posting on Reddit, just asking for thoughts or advice

I am a 31 year old man living on his own with a dog whom I’ve currently had for 6/7 years

Her name is Coco
Half Aussie Shepard. Half harrier English hound

I’ve been a dog owner / dog friendly home since I have been born.
Lots of proper training

Part of the family, not just a thing

With that background

My current dog Coco

Coco is now 8 years old, turning 9 in august

Tonight while watching tv

During a quiet part of the show, I heard coco chewing (definitely not a bone sound)

She was randomly chewing my phone charging chord

She has never been one to chew on any thing of mine (shoes, socks, shirts, etc)

Luckily, it isn’t too damaged and works still.

But this is a first time I’ve ran into this: change of behavior

Had anybody ran into this kind of situation?
Maybe the breed? (Aussie Shepard or English hound )
@jdoe aussies can chew when bored or not exercised enough. but your dog has never done it, so it's an odd thing. maybe just pay attention and see if she starts doing it more with other things. if it continues, maybe a vet visit to check her teeth. maybe she's having an oral issue. or the vet might have suggestions. but yes, I, too, always keep an eye on behaviors that are new or uncharacteristic.