This may be a silly questions but longer length on the legs grooms


New member
So, every dog that I’ve had come in they request 1 length all over. But I had a customer call in today and say that they like to go longer on the legs than they would for the body but no specifics. So my question is, how much longer do you go on the legs when there’s no specifics ? My thought process was maybe 1 length longer on the legs with cleaning up of course. So for example if they want a 1/2” (#1) on the body I’d do a 5/8” (#0) on the legs. But I wasn’t sure if maybe you’d do two lengths longer ? This is definitely a silly question but I’ve always just done one length longer !
@kate22 Not a silly question at all. Personally I always like to do 1 length longer on the legs because I think it looks cuter! So i’d say 1 length longer if the owner is not specific :) unless the dog has like super scrawny legs then maybe i’d do 2 lengths longer lol.
@cglil I’ve tried pushing it before on my doodle clients but a lot of them just want to do one length ( which is valid of course ). But I immediately said I could take them because I’ve always wanted to do a fuller leg as I’ve never done one and I like to learn new things whenever I have the chance. Thank you for the information you provided ! I figured 1 length would be the best but if they have chicken legs I could go 2 lengths haha. Thank you so much !
@andreamk0713 Yes [sup][sup]^[/sup][/sup] i never ask before i do it hahaha they never notice. I usually just do whatever I think will look best/be best for the dog unless the owner is super specific with what they want 😬
@cglil Yes! I'll let them give me a general idea of what they'd want and also over time I get a clue at their at home maintenance and lifestyle. And with that knowledge I create a haircut that will work for that dog every time. Keeping my skills sharp, the dogs comfortable, and the owners happy.
@kate22 The right answer is simple - you have to ask for more clarification! I normally phrase it to people as "Did you want the legs just a little longer for overall balance or do you want a more dramatic difference between the body and legs for style?"

Their answer will tell you whether to just make the legs 1 length longer, not trim them too tight and take the belly tighter because they don't want "stick legs"/they think they're hiding their dog's chubby belly or if they're looking for something more stylized where the body is tight and the legs are considerably longer. In the later situation you want at very least 2 lengths up to be noticeable at all and it helps considerably if you can convince them to also take the body shorter/tighter. You really don't want insanely long 1"+ legs for maintenance reasons but 3/4" legs will look really fluffy is the body is done in a #7.

Not a stupid question at all btw!
@maysa Oh interesting ! Thank you. I usually do shave downs so I’m excited to do the haircut. ( assuming they come in because I’ve had a lot of cancellations )
@kate22 Keeping legs at least one length longer than the body is the standard doodle Groom at my shop. Helps keep a more balanced appearance and honestly, it's just fun and adds some variety to an otherwise "boring" groom.

Since they specifically said they wanted longer, you may want to clarify just how much longer. Are they wanting a balanced look or a more Asian fusion style leg?
@chloe14 I’m in the south so probably more of a balanced look. But I just explained to them that when they come in we can talk in more detail so I get a better understanding of what they want exactly. It’s also their doodles first groom with them ( he was a surrender they just recently got ) so I also had to give them the whole spiel about behavior = look of the groom. But I wanted to make sure I didn’t do anything wrong or have a better idea of what to do.
@kate22 I usually go 2 lengths up but 1 is fine too! If they want the blended teddy bear look, I set it a bit like a schnauzer pattern minus the underline. Check out this picture.

I know that's a poodle, but you'll set the legs the same way and just trim the feet round instead of clean feet. On the side of the front leg, skim off the widest part of the shoulder without dipping in. For the rear leg, stop on the back where the leg bends if you were to lift the foot. On the side of the back leg, skim off the widest part of the thigh. Don't take the tuckup super tight with the body length; do that with the leg length and then blend the two so you don't create a hole. Once you've set those lines, everything above is body length and below is leg length. It's pretty easy to blend when you're only going up 2-3 lengths.
@kate22 We usually do clippers on the body, with a guard comb like a 1 most of the time (some clients have an e) and then scissor in the legs in proportion blending down from the elbow and hips. It gives a nice full "teddy bear" look.

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