This is unfortunate.


New member
My new neighbor just got a puppy about 3 weeks ago. On an estimate I can say the dog looks to be about 2 months old and she’s brindle/colored, I wish I can insert the picture. They lock her up everyday from the outside back porch with the leash feeding from the inside the house and the puppy is on the opposite side which is outside. She cries so loud to come in but they don’t do anything. Even nights where it’s been cold, or when it’s light rain (misty-like). I walk my dog a pretty good distance, I’ve seen them walk their dog not even 2 ft from their porch then lock her outside for about an hour and a half as she pleads to come in, then they’ll eventually let her in. They do this morning and night and sometimes during the afternoon. I just don’t get it, if you’re gonna treat your dog like this, just don’t own one 🙄
@km2018 My neighbor did this. The puppy got loose and came running into our house. Neighbor wasn't home so we called animal control to come get the dog and they took him and never released him to the owner. Leaving a puppy that young out in the cold IS animal abuse apparently.