
New member
BREED: Rottweiler
AGE: 1

When she wants attention (especially mine) she will get ANYTHING in reach (like fkn toenail clippers)! She not supposento have ofcorse. I've tried ignoring her cuz shes doing it for attention/ its a game.... 2/10 times time ignoring work, but the other 8 she just keeps going to down on whatever she grabbed.

I've tried possitive reinforcement with food to teach her "drop it" Which worked for all of...2...3 days... then she caught onto; "if I take stuff, then laydown and dont chew on it or put my mouth on it for a little bit..I GET A TREAT!!!!" I take the item away & she just finds it again & take it or find someone else she shouldn't have.

Physical disaplinin & time outs do NOTHING! She still its there wagging her tail, tounge hanging out her mouth with almost a smile!

So my next attempt to stop this behavior & teach her "drop it". Going to get a traning leash & Martingale collar for inside the house. Give her a quick swift yank upward on the collar when not listening to comand "drop it" and start with little slack/small area. When she drops the item instantly ill give her a treat, if she goes for it again -swift yank. Once she drops it & leaves it, ill reward with treats, lots of praise & adding more slack to the leash.

Oh and SHE PULLS SO MUCH ON WALKS!!!!! I think she has a choking kink she pulls so much/hard!!! Everyone since day one, prong collar, prong collar, prong collar! I REALLY dont want to get one! Think a martingale collar do the trick or a head lead? I've been leaning more toward a head collar.


Any advice is welcome!
@sebrinarinas First and foremost, this is a young dog who probably doesn’t understand the human world. Please remember she doesn’t speak our language or understand what is okay and not okay.

Management is best to decrease rehearsals - put away items she’ll steal or crate/pen her when she’s unsupervised. Like you said the picking things up game is probably an attempt to play and get your attention, even if it’s negative attention. What you see as bad behavior can actually be useful- you can teach her to retrieve items for you. Besides this look into more enrichment options. Spend quality time with her to satisfy her needs.

Teaching “drop” with R+ is best. Look up “errorless learning”. I do not recommend yanking on a leash for having a forbidden item and then treating. This is confusing, can create resource guarding issues and your dog can learn to swallow objects.

Pulling- if she is choking herself a harness is best, even if it’s temporary. Martingale can be okay in the future but I’d worry about her hurting her throat when she’s in training. No matter equipment, look up silky leash method. There’s also pattern games like up-down or ping pong that can be a starting point for getting attention and then reward where you want the dog to be as you start adding movement.

Best of luck to you!