Think I may be allergic to my dogs saliva


New member
So you know in the movie Juno where the stepmom is saying they couldn’t get a dog because Elliot page is allergic to the saliva? Well I didn’t think that was a real thing until recently. So now I think I might be experiencing it first hand. My dog likes to communicate with me with yes or no answers. If it’s a yes he’ll lick his lips and if it’s a no he’ll turn away from me but not move away. Well a couple of times his licks got too intense and he gave me some kisses on my cheek but shortly after my face and tongue started tingling and feeling a bit numb. Now I’ve had my dog for 9 years and this hasn’t been a thing that entire time so I’m honestly not sure if that’s even what it is but thought I’d share.
@jonatec Allergies against dogs or cats is always caused by their salvia (caught in their fur). And allergies can unfortunately appear all of the sudden even though they haven't been there for years. You can try a mild antihistaminicum. They usually help for dog allergies with mild symptoms.
@jonatec my ex was allergic to different foods and if a dog had eaten food that contained any of those foods (ie eggs) and licked her she'd have a reaction (she was also allergic to my dog overall lmao but the foods allergies were more serious). has your dogs diet changed at all? is he eating anything you might be allergic to?