Thank you Puppy010! All of you are getting me through this!


New member
What a rollercoaster is has been! Thank you all for keeping me sane. You provide me with advice, peptalks and a venting place. Reading your stories gives me inspiration and it helps me to put my own experiance in perspective (reactive outside but thank god we’re sleeping through the night!). Every time I feel like a complete and utter failure there are lovely people here telling me ‘I feel the same way!’ and ‘have you tried X, Y and Z.’

I couldn’t have come this far without this sub and it’s amazing redditors!
@lostyoungadult I'm so grateful for it, too! At the very least, I can read for a few minutes and know that I am not alone. Some of you are going crazy and crying as well!

I cannot wait to be one of the experienced dog owners who comes back in a couple years to reassure others: "It's OK, guys. That happened to us, too, but it all worked out JUST FINE."

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