Switching puppy to new food and facing minor “issues”


New member
Hi! We just recently got a puppy (14 weeks old) and the breeder has been feeding him Taste of the Wild dry food. She told us that this was the best her research led her to, but after reading up on it a bit we found that the option isn’t as good as she’d described, partially because it wasn’t WSAVA approved.

Out of all brands, we decided to give Royal Canin a try. Started out with some wet food first, mixed in with the Taste of the Wild dry food, gave it to him that way and he loved it immediately. Basically inhaled the entire thing lol. We gradually started noticing him eating less and less of Taste of the Wild, even though we’ve dialed back on his regular portion slightly since we make up for it with a tablespoon of wet food now. For the sake of the experiment, we also started adding in Royal Canin dry food as well, doing it about 1/3 RC dry, 2/3 TotW and a tablespoon of RC wet food (total portion is about 3.5 tablespoons). Reason we are mixing is because we read that it’s better to mix old and new food so he doesn’t have digestive issues like diarrhea and constipation.

Thing is, he loves RC. Clearly loves it a lot better than TotW. Why? Because he will eat ALL of RC and leave almost all of TotW in his plate exclusively.

His potty schedule definitely changed drastically. He started going about 1-2 a day (used to be about 4 with TotW). He seems to be struggling a bit more with it almost as if constipated when he does go. Thing is, that is what we were really trying to avoid by mixing the food.

We also started leaving the food bowl so he could eat more over time since he still needs all his nutrition… but by the next time he’s scheduled to eat about quarter of his food is still in the plate. And even if we take the plate away till the next time he needs to eat, he will still only pick out the RC.

Have we done something wrong? Should we just switch fully to RC since he is refusing to eat his old food so we don’t unintentionally deprive him of his nutrition? Is there a better way to handle this situation? Appreciate every input! Thank you 🤗