Supplements for Hills Science


New member
Hi all, I have a Pomeranian/Shiz Tzu mix who eats Hills Science diet Senior Vitality and recently he’s been having some small issues.

His fur has gotten a lot greasier between washes and a lot sharper/dull. He’s also been a bit less energetic. I know Hills Science is one of the higher tier kibbles available but from what I’ve read online it seems like his food is lacking in the omega 3 and protein department? His food only has 19% crude protein and only 1.7% omega 6 fatty acids.

Trying my best to make sense of all this, but I was looking to see if anyone has recommendations on preferably supplements I can add to his diet (right now I was thinking of adding cooked eggs and ordering a omega 3 rich fish oil supplement) or possibly another hills science diet I can switch him too?
@wisp What online sources are you reading? That diet is complete and balanced as-is.

Adding a bunch of stuff, especially calorie-rich stuff like eggs -- could easily unbalance the diet.

For example, the adult maintenance requirement for crude protein on a dry matter basis is 18% -- you're above that so there is no problem. Omega 3 supplementation may minimally support management of arthritis, but is generally not necessary in addition to a balanced kibble for a healthy dog.

Oversupplementing can be a big issue too, and additional oils carry risks like triggering pancreatitis.

You can ask your vet about minimal and careful supplementation of fish oil, but skip the eggs and extras. It's not necessary.
@sevilodorf That’s a relief, I was googling “dog nutrition charts” and skimming articles of similar names. Thank you so much for the thorough explanation!!

Is there anything I could do for his dry coat? Main thing I read was salmon oil and coconut oil?