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I have a black and white American bulldog (F 4 MO) and she has pink skin so I'm very worried about sunburns because we live in the desert. Is there a brand of sunscreen that I can use for her or can anyone recommend a sunscreen for dogs that isn't too expensive?
@goatsandroses There's actually only one dog sunscreen that's approved by the FDA. It's called Epi-Pet Sun Protector Spray. That's the one you should get. I did some research on this and all of the other products available on Amazon and Chewy actually do not offer any SPF protection at all, so they're more or less scams.
@goatsandroses My vet recommended a UV blocking suit after my dog had skin cancer growths removed. I got one from k9 Top Coat, it was about $100, which I figured was a one-time cost worth it to prevent expensive vet bills. You might be able to find a cheaper alternative too.

When I asked about sunscreen the vet said basically anything that makes it a worthwhile sunscreen also makes it bad to ingest so there was nothing nontoxic and effective.