Suddenly sick dog


New member
UPDATE: Went in for the ultrasound; she has a sack full of blood around her heart, and a small tumor. She’ll most likely pass in the coming months. Thank you all for your advice and positivity.

Hi! I have a fs 8yr old amstaff mix who just got sick. Im hoping maybe someone has already gone thru this or something similar can give me insight;

On Thursday I was gone for about 8hrs, she was in her crate and wet herself. I’m not sure when it happened in that 8hr time period, but it was really strange since she’s been crated for that long previously with no problems, and before I left she went to the bathroom. I let her out wiped her down (it was late so I didn’t give her a bath), and took her outside while I cleaned up her bedding. She was acting kind of funny a bit slow not excited.

The next day, I let her out. she’s, usually the first one up and asks to be let out. she was v quiet and wasn’t v excited to go out. I tried to feed her she had 0 interest in food, which was when I knew something was wrong. That w the lethargic behavior I called the vet and got an appointment that afternoon. We went, she’s usually dog reactive, but while 2 dogs were barking and jumping she just laid at my feet watching. 0 reaction. They did blood and urine test no uti, and I’d have to wait till the am to hear about her blood. Since she was drinking and going to the bathroom we we’re hopeful. That night she ate about a cup of food and went to bed.

Next day she woke up seemed better. Vomited her food from the night before but seemed more energetic. She ate, and was pretty okay. The vet called let me know that her live + kidney enzymes were slightly elevated and they wanted to do an ultrasound but it depended on how bad she was today. I was optimistic and was going to call and make a appointment with them for Monday. Well at around 1230pm, she got up in her crate (door open) and tried to get out. She moved extremely slowly, suddenly leaning against the side and then falling over on to her side. I rushed over, she was awake and seemed like she didn’t understand what was going on. I rushed her to the ER since she was panting heavily and her gums were turning grey. We got their waited for at least an hour and the doctor took X-rays. Organs looked good but her abdomen was filling with fluid. They took some of the fluid to be sent out to the lab. 1200 later I came home w no answers pain meds antibiotics and then telling me to do an ultrasound like I told them we were told to do. Not to mention all of my information was taken down incorrectly/ spelled wrong.

Fast forward to today, she’s in immense discomfort/pain. She has a strange saggy lump on her chest near her left arm pit that is tender to the touch, she is having the absolute hardest time laying down because she’s in pain and can barely lift her legs, and she’s barely eating I got her to eat some turkey and take her meds, and she finally laid down.

I some how have to get her in the car tomorrow morning to take her to get her ultrasound and maybe find out what’s causing this.

Im scared I’m going to lose my first dog ever, I’ve only had her for 3 years in November, I was planning a hiking trip up in Tahoe for her since she loves her hikes. If anyone’s dog has had anything similar happen and is thriving now please what happened? I need a little hope right now.
@lightlight I'm so sorry she sounds very unwell. It's so scary. I don't think I'd want to wait till 2moro though at least she took her meds. They've also a v high pain threshold so never great when they show pain.
Sorry I've not comforting experience to offer, I just hope she's ok. You're on it, you're doing everything right and she's lucky to have you on her team. I hope you find out what's going on and get her back on track soon. Sending positive vibes, I know they prob won't help 🙄 🙏
@leaniemeanie I appreciate it, it’s hard to watch her be in so much discomfort. She has such a hard time laying down rn she just stands there until she ready to lay, if I try to help she starts crying. It’s been rough so I appreciate any positivity 🥲
@reah We checked that it’s was negative. It’s either an infection or a tumor according to the ER. But again… they werent exactly… amazing..🥲
@lightlight Im sorry you and your pup are going through this! I dont know what your dog is going through, but I can tell you for sure that they are VERY resilient creatures! can give many examples here, but one of my dogs had a stroke, came close to liver failure from all the drugs he was on, and I had to teach him how to walk again (NOT easy with a 140 lbs dog!). it took one month (!!! I couldnt believe it) and he was walking again. not 100% the same, but good enough to get around. my point is .. it can seem very bad, but then they get through it. it amazes me each time but it happened, consistently, in my experience with dogs
@lightlight Dear OP, you've been on my mind and my heart breaks to read your update. Such a shock, a terribly difficult time for you. Sending love and please give your beautiful girl a gentle hug from me xx ♥