Sudden change with my dogs

First sorry for typos n grammar mistakes. English is not my first language.

My dog is reactive on leash and I love her to bits with all the challenges. We adopted her last year from South Korea, and we train diligently. It has been a challenging year, with lots of treats and tears.

This is the part where Im questioning if there’s something wrong with her. We take everything really slow and tbh I’m not expecting any big progress anytime in the near future…

For the last two days, she somehow suddenly understands what we are trying to teach her. Sit before going out from the house, not storming off whenever out of the house, walk loose leash, walk next to me, continue to walk when seeing another dog (which was never happened before cause she was always spiraling in panic when we sees other dogs), stops before crossing the street, listens to commands, maintaining eye contact, checking in etc.

I of course not suddenly happy about this, but rather worry why with this sudden change. I asked my husband and he said that 3 days ago she was almost hit by a bicycle. My dog suddenly jumped to the bike lane and from behind came really fast bike and almost hit her. Her tail tucked down and she was anxious on their way home after the bike incident.

Is it possible that she is somehow traumatized by the bicycle? She’s always really active and never calm outside and now she’s like a different dog. She’s still the same cuddly sweet cheeky girl inside. We checked and she has no injuries from the bike.

I’m enjoying the calmness but really im worried cause maybe its more like anxious than calm? From body language she looks pretty relaxed and nothing like tails tucked in or heavy licking or yawning. She still eats n takes her treats outside.

Edit: typos

I know no one is replying and no one expecting update. But she’s back :D energetic and crazy again outside :D

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