Stud service questions


New member
Hi all! I had this women come up to me at the dog park, she thought my Pomeranian was beautiful and asked if I would be willing to breed my Pomeranian with hers. She has some experience with breeding, and said I would be compensated with a puppy... I’m all for it so she said she would be in touch. We talked on the phone and she mentioned that she expected me to pay half of the vet bills (x-ray, possible C-section) for her dog when needed... BUT she gets to keep the additional puppies her bitch has to sell them for profits... I guess I’m wondering if this practice is normal? I feel as though if I have to pay half of all the vet bills, we each get to keep a puppy but the remaining puppy profits should be split down the middle?

UPDATE: So after reading all the comments, which I really appreciate thanks so much, I called her and said I wasn’t interested because that’s not common practice. The women basically blew up on my calling me a broke ass bitch, that I was super immature and basically trash 🙃 I blocked her.
@tracy67 Either an agreed upon stud fee or pick of the litter is pretty standard. I haven’t heard about sharing vet bills but I am by no means an expert. It really makes no sense, how do you even know if her dog is healthy enough to have puppies? You could be agreeing to some major vet bills.
@tracy67 All the risk, vet bills, puppy care and bitch care are all on the female, that’s why it’s her litter. . If you were an experienced stud, you’d be support and knowledge if she needed. You give her 3 ties and that’s it. Fee can be set cash payment, price of puppy, or a puppy. But the stud doesn’t usually pay anything else. She’s taking advantage of your inexperience.
@tracy67 You get a fee or a puppy back..thats it..she pays for everything..unless you both want to go in on everything then you both split the money for everything and from the puppies being sold..but if that's the case then make a contract for that but regardless make a contract for yourself saying what your part is and what your payment choice is so nothing comes back and bites you.....she's trying to pull a fast one on you...also put in the contract that 1 puppy is considered a litter and if that happens you would get paid money and she will keep the puppy to sell..and your fee is whatever a stud fee is for that type of dog..sorry idk fees are 3000 to 5000 but I have french bulldogs .
@tracy67 No responsible breeder scopes out studs at the dog park. Regardless of how nice your dog may or may not be, this doesn’t sound like a responsible breeder so I would be concerned about the health of this puppy you might end up with. This breeder doesn’t even know if your dog is health tested or not... Not saying your dog is bad at all! just saying that its bad on this breeder to set up a mating in this way. This isn’t how ethical breeding works. There’s too many things she doesn’t know about your dog, so idk how she can decide if your dog is a good mate or not.

Many people who breed responsibly have been approached by BYBs and Puppymills in this manner to use their dogs as studs, it always is with the hopes that you know nothing so they can screw you over when it comes to vet and stud fees. You don’t know what’s normally in a contract, so she can request whatever she wants and you’ll just go along with it. Good on you for coming here to ask before agreeing to anything!

As others have said, this isn’t a good deal. costs associated with the litter like X-rays, c sections, etc. Are all the responsibility of the owner of the female, as she’s the one who ends up with most of the puppies. I’d be very careful agreeing to anything with this person, including other aspects of the breeding contract like litter size, # of ties, etc., as it sounds like she may be trying to take advantage of you and your lack of experience. Make sure you know what you need to be demanding for your boy before proceeding further, and don’t give in. Better to not breed at all, then to end up getting screwed over if she won’t agree to reasonable terms.
@tracy67 Yup, as others have said the arrangement proposed is weird.
We use a stud contract that clearly outlines the rights and responsibilities of each party, and might be best if you did too. As you may know animal people can be difficult!
They take care of their dog and the puppies, I take care of my dog and get one puppy or a stud fee. I usually don’t want a puppy so charge a flat fee of $3000 ($1000 at time of breeding with the remainder payable within two weeks of the puppy sales). Having said that I have an in-demand breed and my stud is double registered and fully health tested with excellent results :)