Stubborn Puppy Help


New member
I’ve had my pup for about two weeks now and he is e x h a u s t i n g and stubborn as all get out. I am trying to teach him not to eat my plants and his bed and he looks at me, I sit back down on the couch for .2 seconds and he starts at it again. He also bites me when he gets in a certain mood/hyper. Is it ok to put him in his kennel for “time out” when he acts out? What do y’all do to teach your puppies?
@rns52 If it's an option, I highly recommend getting a playpen. My pup would always try to chew the fabric on the bottom of my bed box spring. It was so infuriating.

I ended up getting him a playpen. Now he doesn't have that option and focuses on whatever toys are in the pen. He still sometimes stares at me to come in there and play with him, but he's starting to be more confident in playing with his toys by himself.
@rns52 Stubbornness doesn't really exist as a behavior in dogs; it's a motivation issue. The thing that you want him to do, and the reward for doing so, is lower than the opposite of doing the thing (in this case, eating the couch).

Bitey behavior is commonly overtired behavior, so it may just be time for an enforced nap when the behavior is in full-force.
@rns52 Similar behaviours in my pup. If I am able to catch her before she tries, a "leave it" command can do the trick. If she persists, I stand/glare and/or physically redirect her. If she persists again, I engage in play or brief training activity to occupy her short term memory. If she still persists, she goes in her crate for the nap she almost certainly needs.

In context, we work very hard on our physical environment to reduce any opportunity for her to make a bad choice. We review frequently to offer her new chances to safely explore while making good choices and remove opportunities when she is not able to. The goal is to have a day full of praise, which is nice for all of us. In practice, there is still plenty of redirection, distraction and crate time, as she is growing and so are we. :)
@rns52 Redirecting takes time. It's important to understand that puppies don't have the capacity to be stubborn or do things to be vindictive. It might be more helpful to direct your puppy to a specific action such as "go to your bed" or simply "sit" as a distraction. The mood you're referring to probably means he's overdue for a nap, so I'd recommend putting him in his settle down place when he gets like that.

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