Strange mix?


New member
My cavoodle (m) got my great dane x bull mastiff (f) pregnant! Wtf!!!! What are the puppies going to look like??? The cavoodle is 6kg and the great dane is around 30-35kg
@joejord We literally have no idea what these puppies will look like. Some may be large, and others may be small. Some may be fluffy while others are not. There is really no way to tell what these pups are going to look like or what temperment these dogs will have.

I will say that there are several dogs in shelters in need of homes and dogs in shelters who have terrible temperments and won't ever find a home. All of them are in shelters due to unresponsible breeders, people wanting to breed just one litter, or accidental litters. If you can, I suggest taking your dog to the vet for a spay/abort. It really helps with the overpopulation. Some vets won't do it because they do not feel comfortable, which is fine, but I want to suggest this as an option.
@joejord With such a large size discrepancy between the two I would assume some freak issues like some puppies having an oversized head on a body that strains to support it (yes this happens). I agree spay abort is the most ethical option here.
@joejord wtf did you expect was going to happen? Id spay abort if I were you. There is no need to let your girl go through with it.

Not to mention it is expensive having/ raising a litter and you don't even know if you will be able to sell them.
@joejord Unless you fix one of both of your pets, then you are obviously expecting them to breed.

Please spay abort. Especially in this time, post COVID, there are so many more animals in the shelters because people can't afford their pets. Also unless you've done ophthalmology testing by a board certified ophthalmologist, and gotten specific orthopedic X-rays done on both animals then you cannot guarantee their genetics. Lastly, it's a cavapoo, so it's already a breeding disaster. Please do the right thing.
@joejord 30-35kg seems on the smaller side for the female being a mastiff x Dane. Is she young? If she is I echo the others by saying please do a spay abort. This will be so hard on her developing giant-breed body.

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