starting to show resource guarding


New member
I have a large breed mix, X, who is about 5. Last year, we adopted a dog, Y, who was also about 5. Long story short, shelter lied to us and Y had severe resource aggression and for our and X's safety, we put Y down. We have reached a point we feel ready to try again and adopted Y, about 6 months old, about a month ago.

Since Y, X has been cautious with toys and other dogs (fearful, won't walk past if other dog has a toy). We have seen improvement since adopting Z that X is now comfortable playing with Z while either is holding a toy (not ready for tug but it's a HUGE improvement). X has historically been good about vocalizing his displeasure (we call them sassy, a very vocal breed too) however, lately were worried it's becoming excessive. X will use their words/yell at Z when they're boundaries are being pushed (grumbling) but will escalate to growling (no biting) if Z is going for a toy X has or X wants.

It hasn't gotten to the point of attacking, X has never attacked, but I don't want X's trauma to impact the relationship between X and Z. X will "yell" with growls at Z and chase them away. Z responds well to the vocal warnings but I don't want this to escalate and become an issue.

Any suggestions? I think it is all fear based from trauma and a bit adjusting to having to share toys.
@skikid52 Sounds like a fight waiting to happen. I would put the toys away.

Take then out when you have time to play with the dogs supervised so this doesn't escalate and once you are done put all the toys away.