Stairs as dogs age


New member
Hey all - this feels like a silly question but i figure people will have some insight as i am an overly worrisome dog parent.

I have an 8 year old mutt (Black Lab/Husky/Australian Cattle Dog mixed with a lot of other breeds) who is about 26kg (55ish lbs). She is in great shape and we regularly exercise, go for 6k+ walks, and go hiking. She isn't showing any signs of "aging" other than starting to get a bit of a peppered face, but seems good otherwise.

I am planning on moving and in my area, most apartments are all walkups. I'm wondering if having an "adult" dog going up 4 flights of stairs multiple times a day will be too hard on her or if it will help her stay in shape. I've read various things about how stairs can effect dogs hips and I want to make sure I'm doing what's best for her. We currently live on the first floor, so we only have one flight of stairs to go up and it's never been an issue. But I haven't lived somewhere that is more than the first or second (second or third American) floor.

So, I'm just wanting some insight, as she is the dog I got in my 20's and I want to make sure she lives a long, happy life with me and I absolutely don't want to put unnecessary strain on her!

Thanks all :)