Special rescue case


New member
My girl, B, has been with us for 2 months. Previously she was in her foster home for approximately 4 months. She was rescued along with 4 other small dogs in a semi-rural area, and as the other dogs were spoken for and adopted out, we learned she was pregnant. After giving birth to 5 healthy baby girls who were adopted, she came home with us (after multiple visits). She seems to be almost 2 years old and is definitely a mix of several breeds as a result of irresponsible breeding practices and has a very severe overbite as a result. This means her tongue regularly hangs out of her mouth. (I find this quite endearing despite the difficulty of it all.)

As one might expect, there have been many struggles. She will not willingly let anyone pet her. On the rare occasion when she needs to be handled, she responds with extreme reactivity - running away, gnashing of teeth, crying, etc. In fact, she will not let me pet her except in those rare instances when I’ve “captured” her and she hasn’t much choice.

She will approach to sniff my hand or take treats. And after the lights are off, she will get on the bed with me and my other dog.

This leads to my biggest concern for now, which is that even though they aren’t significantly different in size, she is pretty rough with my other dog. He is 12lbs and she is 16-18lbs. They have played in a mutual way previously, but it’s clear to me that she has injured him a few times. However minor those injuries may be, I’m concerned about how this could become problematic in an ongoing way.
  1. I can’t allow my boy to continue to be hurt. He came from a very difficult background too, and he is my biggest priority.
  2. I don’t want to give up on this girl. It goes against so many things I believe in, one of which is that when you commit to a pet, it’s a lifelong commitment. And you do whatever you need to do to make it work.
  3. What can I do as far as training is concerned to help my girl? The idea of rehoming her is shameful to me, but I also want the best for her and my boy.
Though I’m not entirely certain, I think her foster home (we are friends) would take her on. And if that was the case, we could see each other regularly, serve as dog sitters, etc.
And I would gladly provide financial and other support.

I guess I don’t know what I’m asking here, but it’s been weighing in me and any positive input would be appreciated.
Thank you.

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