SOS Help socialization and training our dogs pls


New member
 Hello everyone! So my family and I have just got a female Australian Cattle Dog, she is 6 months old. We got her from my moms coworker. She basically lived at the shop before we got her. She is very energetic and would jump on the customers so they put a shock collar on her. And recently she licked some oil off the ground of the shop and got sick. The shop owner said she was going to be a liability if they kept her. They would also keep her in a room for hours and did not have enough time to give her attention due to work. So my mom stepped in and volunteered to keep her; Now she’s ours and without the shock collar. 
 We just have a slight dilemma. We also have a male Jack Russell terrier/chihuahua mix who is not friendly. Honestly we just never socialized him, it is not completely his fault, it is ours. We do not want to make the same mistake with our female ACG. Now I believe we already messed up slightly. The day we got her, we introduced them in our house and not a neutral site. So our Jack Russell started to get rowdy n was what I believe exerting his dominance. Our ACG (Australian Cattle Dog) was scared. We kept our jack russell on a leash the entire day so we can control him a bit. I did see that he seemed kind of down and depressed because of the new dog the first day but now we are at day 4 and the two don’t socialize and our ACG is scared. Any tips on what we should do now. We want them to be able to play and get along, sometime in the future. We want it to get to the point where we can leave them together when we leave the house and not worry. 
 Now second part of my post is how do I socialize my ACG to the world? Like she is scared of the outside. The first 2 days she could not walk down the stairs to go walk outside. Now she can walk down the stairs cautiously but a little bit into our walk she will want to go back home and has no trouble going back up stairs to our home. Also she pulls ALOT during our walk or will just want to stay in place. She is pretty strong. We want to help her get social with “the world” So any tips on that will be appreciated. 
Now last part of this post. How do we train her. Potty training seems to be going well. Every time she pees or poops on her pad she gets a treat so she seems to be getting the hang of that. But she also wants to play bite 24/7. It’s gotten to the point where she playfully bit my nose and I know it wasn’t out of aggression but I still do not want her doing that. We do not want to create bad habits with her like going along with the biting and playing rough like we have with our Jack Russell. What are some good training techniques for Australian cattle dogs??? We want her to be obedient and calmer because right now she is wild, bumping into everything. We do not want her to break anything. 

 So if we can get any tips/advice/info and or anything that can help with socializing both our dogs together, socializing our Australian Cattle dog to the world, and training our dogs to be more obedient and calm, we would appreciate it so much and it would be the most stress-relief ever haha.
@khedge The breath and depth you are asking here is like you need a book written. The internet is full of resources on dealing with these problems, and aside from the getting the two dogs to get along, which requires an assessment on their specific situation, all other answers are somewhat readily available. Just search the keywords on Google and Youtube, and of course, Reddit. Even for your two dog question, I'm sure you can find some ideas there, except you'd have to observe and experiment.