Smooth furless bumps on tip of snout


New member
Hey, /r/dogcare.

Some background:

My lab-mix has been having some trouble lately. Since we got him last year, we had used a generic frontline for flea treatment. His latest dose didn't seem to work well, and after a week we hit him with a dose of namebrand frontline. The fleas really did a number on his belly during that week, and he'd been scratching quite a bit. The fleas are gone now, and his bites are clearing up.

The issue:

As the title of the post suggests, he has some hairless areas/bumps at the tip of his snout. I assumed that they were from the rubbing that area experienced while scratching last week, but I'm starting to worry a little.

pictures here:

We're a bit on the poor side, or we'd have taken him to the vet already. If you can offer anything constructive, it'll be appreciated.
@vernonsog Looks like dog acne to me. Might be a total coincidence or maybe he got it from chemical irritation. My pug used to get it, it is best treated like human acne (keep it clean, witch hazel, benzoyl peroxide). Make sure you are thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting his water bowl several times throughout the day.