Single young professional thinking about getting a dog - help me decide if I should!


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I am a single young professional in my late 20s. I live alone in an apartment building that has a large dog run/park area and the neighborhood where I live is also very dog friendly. I have been thinking about getting a dog for a while and finally decided I am ready.

I want to adopt an adult/non-puppy that is already neutered, house trained, and crate trained (I have noticed most adult dogs tend to be all those things). I did the math and I can very comfortably afford all the usual dog expenses, but getting a daily walker would be a push...(I work from home 1 day/week so I would only leave him all day 4 days). We’d be very active on the weekends - long walks/runs and I’d plan to bring him around with me most places. During the week I’d take him for a walk/to play at the dog park around 8-8:30 and then in the evening would do the same thing around 6/630 and again before bed. He would be VERY loved!

I’d love to hear from other people with similar lifestyles who have dogs, single people with full time jobs. What things do you with you knew before you got a dog? Is it realistic for the dog to be home whole I’m at work all day? Do I need a daily walker? (how much realistically does that cost/month?)