SHould I send my dogs to live with my mom?


New member
Tldr: I got these dogs with my abusive ex and decided it would be in their best interest for me to keep them when we broke up even though I am a busy college student in an apartment. The dogs love me, but I am not fulfilling their energy and play needs daily. They get to go outside for 30 min a day but still have energy. Would they be better off living with my mom, her two dogs, and an acre of land.

I got my dogs (2 yr old lab pit mix, 3-5 yr old terrier mix) with my ex who was abusive to both myself and the dogs so I took them when we broke up. I am out of the house anywhere from 5-10 hours a day due to school and work and I feel awful for leaving them in my small 10 x 10n apartment room. They have infinite toys, bones, water, and soft bedding, but they are still trapped in a small room for most of the day. When I get home I rarely have the energy to take them on a walk (we are still working on leash training as my ex refused to walk them on leash but did not train recall), so i will typically take them out to potty, back inside, then take them up to our small apartment dog park for 30-45 min and throw a tennis ball around. They always have food and water and so much love, but I know they need more exercise than I can give them. I also have severe sleeping issues where I will sleep most of the day away when I don't have responsibilities. They are so sweet and will sleep and cuddle with me all day and won't make it known when they want or need to go outside. My mom has 2 very large dogs and an acre of fenced land for them to run in. Since we have been back to my apartment after winter break, my smaller dog refuses to poop when we go outside and purposefully waits until I leave to poop and pee on the floor (he is potty trained, never had this issue before, is not sick, no diet change, other dog will wait). I have been taking this as a sign he is upset with the amount of activity he gets. This is strange to me as when we leave my mom's house they are more than ready to get back to my apartment and show genuine excitement to be home. They are happy dogs, I just feel bad for the lack of exercise.

Here's my question: please answer with kindness as I love these dogs as my own children and I feel horrible and neglectful for how they live, even though they seem happy. I DID NOT CHOOSE TO BRING THESE DOGS IN MY LIFE, BUT I TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEM. That is why I am asking this.

Should I send the dogs to live with my mom?

Here's my question, please answer with kindness as I love these dogs as my own children and I feel horrible for the way they are living, even though they seem happy. I DID NOT CHOOSE TO BRING THESE DOGS IN MY LIFE, BUT I TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEM. That is why I am asking this.

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