Should I break up a puppy fight? (5 weeks)


New member
I have two 5-week old puppies, and some of their fights get a bit heated. Should I break up the fights, or is this just how they learn to play properly? And if I am supposed to break them up, whats the best way to do it to let them know they're being too rough?

Mama dog doesn't intervene very much. She'll stand between them sometimes, but doesn't really "correct" them, and often just leaves them alone.

They snarl and sound pretty aggressive. I'll add a link in the comments if it works
@pastorayorinde However, if someone bites an ear and won't let go, you'll hear the prolonged screaming. Sounds much different than the play-snarling they're doing now. That's when it's time to intervene and socialize

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