Should I be concerned about my 8.5 week old pug puppy?


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We got our baby a week ago from a breeder. When Max first got home he was eating everything we were giving him, no problem! We were mixing in his old food with the Purina Pro Puppy kibble/wet food. He was so excited to eat but the last two days he stopped being interested in his food…we can’t figure out what it is! Our baby isn’t treat motivated, his energy seems to be normal and doesn’t appear to be sick. Max would sit near his bowl and just stare. We had suspected that maybe his gums were sore from teething so we soften the kibble but Max still doesn’t want to eat. I place an order for Farmers Dog to see if it’ll do the trick but it won’t arrive a few more days. At this point I’m desperate in getting him to eat. Max is currently 8.5 weeks at 2.5lbs so can really use some weight!

Max is supposed to be a Fawn Pug, can someone tell me if his fur color will change? I searched up other puppies at 8 weeks and they clearly look fawn. Max’s fur seems to be on the darker side. Of course, we’ll love our little guy no matter what but we’re just confused on whether the breeder lied to us? Looking for any advice we can get!

@james2000 If he's not eating all I'd take to vet asap as for puppies they can go downhill fast.

If he is eating but not as enthusiastic about it you could try adding more of the old kibble to it and see if that helps increase appetite. I'd still make a vet visit but wouldn't be as alarmed.

How is his poop consistency and color? Is he drinking water?

As far as color goes it's impossible to answer without a picture of the puppy. I'd look up pug colors and possibly the colors as puppies to see what he is most like. Some dogs will lighten some as they grow up, fawns also do come in different shades within the color as well.
@mclovindaboss11 Max went to the vet 2 days ago and the doctor said everything looked fine but this was before he stopped eating. It’s just confusing because Max still has a bunch of energy and is super playful. We did try to feed him his old kibble but he doesn’t entertain it. He just walks away from treats 😣Max is drinking water but less than the first few days we got him.

Post doesn’t allow me to photo so here are some links:
@james2000 I worry a lot and personally would bring him in to get checked since he is also drinking less water. Puppies often have days they eat less but not eating at all especially for more than 2 meals would worry me. You could try offering just the wet food to see if he will eat that. Boiled chicken (no salt or pepper) and rice can also help encourage eating and help upset stomachs. If I feel the need to do that with a puppy I always take to the vet as well just to make sure there isn't something else going on.

As far as color if he is registered he'd be considered a fawn still and may get light enough to look like the traditional fawn coloring. He may also end up being a light sable or silver fawn.
@james2000 So... I've had two pugs, one of whom is sleeping at my feet right now. They've both gone to the vet with emergencies many times in their lives, but neither one ever lost their appetite. When vets ask 'still eating normally?' while trying to gauge the severity of their situation, my answer has always been 'lol, she's a pug. I'm pretty sure she would eat food normally even if she were being drawn and quartered at the time.'

Obviously all dogs are different, and I can't tell you that the lack of an appetite in YOUR pug is anything to worry about... but in mine it would scare the hell out of me, because I've seen them go through things (bladder stones, surgeries) that are awful and never lose their interest in food. I'm not sure what it would take to make that happen tbh.

If you feel concerned, I think you should trust your gut. At least if it turns out to be nothing you'll have some peace of mind.
@james2000 Knowing what a glutton my pug is id be very worried if she wasn’t eating lol. But all dogs are different. Did she perhaps get a vaccine? Am wondering if that might make her nauseous. Have you tried hand feeding her? Definitely call the vet for advice or another appointment.

Your pup does seem a little dark on the chest. I have a fawn and she didn’t have that. She did have a dark streak down her back which got lighter (probably just spread out into the blonde) as she got older. All pugs are adorable 💕

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