Should I adopt?


New member
I (23M) am a massive dog person and sadly lost our family golden/lab a few years ago. I’ve been wanting to adopt an adult doggo that needs a good home, but I’m a bit unsure if I should with my current work schedule - I work 7a-6p Tuesday through Friday but do go home for an hour lunch break each day.

I’ve heard from nurses (who work longer shifts than me) that their dogs are fine being at home alone and learn when to eat their food and drink water based on when they come home each night, but I still am a bit concerned that I’d be leaving the pupper alone for too long.

My roommate has a husky/lab that stays in our apartment and she does great in the space, but he doesn’t work nearly as long as I do (and his dog is great with other dogs). We do have a ground floor patio that’s pretty secluded up against some woods where they can be on a lead and explore.

Any thoughts/opinions from current dog owners? I’d love to adopt a new best friend but don’t wanna go through the process if they won’t be content with their new home.

@tinytaytay i never recommend that people get w dog that are regularly gone 12 hrs a day. I think it's very unfair. so, if you do it anyway, please do careful research on breed. rescues might need more time and attention and training. I don't advocate getting a dog on a weekend and then leaving it alone 12 hrs a day. do it over a long vacation. introduce it to a good local doggy daycare. make time for good quality obedience training, regular exercise schedule (your dog needs an hr of walks a day and pick a good breed that's conducive to being with another dog and might not be as active as a husky. and if you can't commit to doing all of this right now, please wait until you have more time.
@lisagloria I definitely will not be looking for a puppy, I remember how much time/energy it took with our family dog and I know that I won’t be able to handle that. Thanks for the advice!
@tinytaytay I think the 1 million dollar question is: how much energy are you going to have before or after an 11 hour shift/commute?

If you have the money I would suggest a dog walker. That way you can breathe a bit when you get home and maybe just do your own rec time with the dog on your days off.
@tinytaytay I'd adopt from the shelter and ask which dogs are their laziest. That's what I did. Maybe even a senior if that's something you're comfortable with. If you're able to give them good walks before and after work, and a little potty break on lunch I'd say it's fine as long as they are a low energy dog. Also puzzle toys/feeders seem to help a lot too. There's been plenty of times I've had to leave my dog for 12 hours at a time and he's been fine as long as I give him some playtime as soon as I get back. Specicifically tug of war and fetch, those seem to get his energy out good.

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