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I recently got a heeler/beagle

She goes pee outside and the first few days we had her she’d go poo outside as well but after like the second day she refused to go poo outside and will literally hold it all day until we fall asleep.. she only poo’s by my bed and it’s not just one pile it’s like a bunch of little rabbit like pieces scattered all over with one bigger pile… she knows it’s bad and I’ve tried to keep her in the cage at night but I feel bad and don’t want to punish her for something. But I can take her outside and walk around for along time and she just won’t go outside
@chess123mate Go back to step 1 with potty training. Not sure how old your dog is. Proper potty training takes a lot of time and patience. If you're rushing your dog while waiting for it to potty outside, or are getting frustrated, your dog will feel that. Also, do not punish your dog for accidents in the house. This will teach them negitive feeling regarding it and can cause anxiety. Take your dog out to the yard after it wakes from a nap, has playtime, has a meal etc. Hang out outside until they at least pee. Mark, reward. Consistency and patience are key. Good luck!
@chess123mate Dogs need exercise to actually poo because their colon has to push it out. They also need scents to help with the process. Take her out for a long walk and when she poos reward her with a treat and lots of crazy excited praise. Dogs want to please you and will poo easier with this method. Fifteen minutes should do this and go around 9:30 pm so that it is not too early and not too late.

Good luck with the training
@chess123mate A crate isn’t punishment if it’s not used as one. Start from the beginning w potty training. A trick that works for getting dogs to poo sometimes is turning them in tight small circles. I use my dogs leash and knee to guide him or when he’s ahead of me smelling i pull him from the side to guide the circle w the potty cue. He also knows go poop so I use that when I know it’s time for that to happen.