Shiba inu puppy biting at rear and crying!


New member
I need help.

My 6 month old Shiba puppy has been having problems with his rear for about 4 weeks now. I've managed to capture some examples in the video attached (can't attach videos in this sub soz :( ) to this post. Sometimes it gets so bad that he will run away crying and hide under the bed (although this hasn't happened in about 10 days or so).

In this time I've taken him to 5 different vets across 3 different vet hospitals and none of them know whats wrong. I will list all the medication and procedures we have tried so far.
  1. Anal gland excretion
  2. Anti inflammatory (can't remember the exact name)
  3. Different worming/flea treatment to what he was on originally
  4. Prednisolone (a type of steriod used to help with alergic reactions and skin conditions)
  5. Gabapentin (vet thought he had nerve damage for some reason)
    6.Cytopoint (injection for alergic reactions and skin conditions)
None of these seemed to work. If he gets too worked up (usually when it gets a bit hotter in the day) I give him a small amount of childrens panadol (pain killed that vet recommended). That seems to help for a little while. He usually gets bad between 1pm and 6pm. But after 7.30/8pm he is running around and playing like nothing is wrong. He is still eating, drinking, peeing and pooping fine.

Has anyone ever seen this sort of behavior before? Any ideas what could be causing it?

I'm going to book in for another vet appointment after the weekend but I doubt they will do anything :(