Sheathes have fallen off of a few of my dog's nails, what should I do?


New member
Hi everyone. We recently adopted a lovely 8-year-old greyhound. He's been to the vet a few times and hasn't been diagnosed with any foot-related medical issues. Lately I've noticed that part or all of the sheaths of a few of his toenails have fallen off, leaving a rough surface underneath.

When this happens, there is no blood and he walks normally. He doesn't seem to be in pain at all--in fact, I really picked at one the first time I noticed it because I thought he just had dried mud over the surface of his nail, and me touching it and prodding it didn't even wake him up.

When I try to research this, pretty much everything I find is information about cases where the nail itself has torn or come off, and/or the quick is affected, and/or the dog seems to mind what is happening, so I don't really know A) if there is anything I can do to make sure the lack of smooth sheath over his under-nail (or whatever the hell it is) doesn't start to hurt him and B) if there is anything we should feed him that might cut down or stop this happening in the future. It's not bothering him now but I worry it's a sign of poor nail health that might hurt him if it gets worse.

I'll ask our vet next time we go in, but since he has an appointment in a week anyway and it doesn't seem to be bothering him it seems like overkill to take him in sooner.

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