[serious] how to stop pups from biting?


New member
Our girl is just over 1yo, and still likes to “play bite” as we call it, but we want to end it - and nothing has worked.

We’ve tried ignoring it, pushing the tongue down, etc., but she don’t give a shit and just loves trying to nip us.

No, it’s not dangerous or anything….she just thinks it’s a game honestly….but we are tired of getting playful nips lol

Any ideas are appreciated xD
@2withjesus Most people say making a high pitch yelp will making them stop. We did that and when he does it whatever interaction you were having ends. Play time ends immediately and he goes to place for a time out so to speak. We were consistent with it and he got a lot better.
We did some stupid things when he was growing up, like using our hands as if they were toys, which isn’t a good idea for this behaviour. Try not to do that lol
@tpham0716 Yeh, that often works. With my first GSD my wife would grab her hand and fake crying and pain. Misty responded with leaning on my wife and whimpering too. And she soon stopped the mouthing like that. Misty was only about 4 months when my wife did that with her.
@2withjesus My girl has two modes.. one is full blown velociraptor mode where she tries to bite through my hand. The other, mostly when she’s just woken up, is when she’ll put my finger in her mouth in the valley where there’s no teeth between the front and back teeth. I take it a her doing it as a type of soothing but not wanting to confuse her that it’s ok to put people in her mouth I stop her when she does it.

But yeah… we’re at 14 weeks and the biting is in full force. Lots of yelps and getting up and leaving
@2withjesus So this is what you do……every time she goes to bite you, give her your hand and then lean into it. As she goes to bite your hand put your index finger and middle finger together and GENTLY poke it down her throat, just enough to make her gag. Be very careful, you don’t want yo hurt her, just make it unpleasant. Took my girl TWO DAYS to stop biting, after months of trying everything under the sun.
@2withjesus when my girl was little she would nip at us. I saw a thing on you tube and it worked. Take a soda/beer can put some change in it then anytime she tries to nip shake the can as close to her as you can. I would even kinda chase her (couple steps) with it. She would run to her safe space(kennel). This went on for about a week. This also works for other stuff as well. But you can only use it for one thing at a time. For example we got her to quit nipping. she would jump on my son whenever he came over so I started leaving the can on the porch by the door. when he would come, he would grab the can. She don't jump on anyone now.

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