Senior Dog Suddenly Barking- Update


New member
I made a post a while ago about a complaint posted on my apartment door about my dog suddenly barking all day when I left home. I got some great suggestions about getting a Blink camera, so I did that.

Turns out… it’s not my dog.

We recently changed the layout of our apartment. There is a cubby off the living room between the kitchen and office where we used to have our large TV stand and play area for our son. Because of this there were thick foam mats there and a lot of the sound was cushioned. Now that he’s older we moved that space and it’s now a dining area with very little sound insulations as it’s pretty much just the table and chairs and a few frames on the wall there.

After a few weeks of the Blink camera we noticed it was picking up sound but our dog is still asleep when it does (he’s old so he sleeps a lot). Turns out without all those mats and stuff it’s picking up the dog from downstairs and it’s kind of echoing through the space. 😅 when working from home, I’m usually in the office with headphones on. TBH I do hear that dog too, especially when it’s left on the balcony, but I always kind of thought if it was between 8am-9pm it wasn’t going against the noise ordinance so I just ignore it. It is loud now though.

I spoke with my downstairs neighbour but her English isn’t very good and it seems like she’s hard of hearing (maybe in her 70s or 80s).

Anyway, just thought I would update and thank those who gave me suggestions but I imagine I’m going to get a few more complaints.
@mylenelise Glad your old doggo is still doing well. Go ahead and put a notice on your door. "Yes, there is a dog barking. No, it is NOT mine. Mine is old and probably sleeping. The dog is located on the floor below."
@3rdeye We were a bit worried he might be in pain or something so it’s a relief to know he’s not barking the whole time we’re gone since that’s out of character for him.
@mylenelise It's great to hear that your dog is doing well. If you wanted to manage the noise from the neighbour downstairs then you can type and print up a letter to them (if it's types they can use a translator app easily) or you can use an app like google translate that can do conversation translations and has the option of typing out the words to see in case of hearing issues.
@hope4ul I might try this. She seems really sweet and when I was trying to tell her about her dog she seemed to understand my awkward miming but couldn’t find him. Maybe she can’t hear him either. I’d hate for someone to complain and get her in trouble.