Seeking Advice: How Can I Keep My Dog Safe and Warm in Winter?


New member
Hey everyone,

With winter in full swing, I've been thinking a lot about how to ensure my furry friend Leo stays safe and warm during the chilly months ahead. I've watched a couple of videos online, but I'd love to hear from fellow dog owners about their tips and tricks for keeping their pups cozy when the temperatures drop.

I've already found some useful information in a video called How to keep your dog safe and warm in winter I stumbled upon, but I'm always open to learning more. So, if you have any advice or recommendations on the best winter gear, safe outdoor activities, or ways to prevent cold-related health issues, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Leo means the world to me, and I want to make sure I'm doing everything I can to keep them happy and healthy, even in the cold weather.

Looking forward to hearing from you all.

Thanks in advance! 🐾
@yahleel The advice you're gonna get for a Chihuahua is going to be vastly different from advice for a Husky, context is important.

What is the breed?

Where are you located / what are the temps like?

Do you leave your dog outside all day or is this an indoor pet?
@talkthecross Leo is a Boston Terrier, and I reside in Massachusetts where temperatures can plummet, so he's strictly an indoor pet to ensure he stays warm and comfortable.
@larrybjr10 Most people have indoor pets. My girl is an indoor pet. She still goes out in -20C and prances around in the snow.

Some people have outdoor only dogs. They never come inside. An indoor dog is one that's inside ... But still goes outside for walks and such.

I don't think OP would be asking for advice on winter safety and gear if they kept their dog inside 24/7.
@yahleel I absolutely love our hurtta coat. It keeps my girl nice and warm. Canada Pooch has these new suspender boots too, but they might be too big for a Boston terrier. Walkee Paws makes mini versions for small dogs, including lined/warm socks to help with more layers.

Paw/nose balm is also great to prevent any cracked noses and paws from the cold. I use mushers secret or the muttluks brand one.

Make outside fun and enjoyable! If he is showing he is cold, go back in. Keep walks shorter, but possibly up the frequency/add another walk in during the day to make up for the lack of it.

You could also take him to dog friendly paces, such as stores, dog training places, and indoor markets or malls. Nice warm indoor walkies!

You could work on enrichment inside to keep him busy. Consider checking out the Do More With Your Dog website, you can teach him tricks and get cute titles!
@yahleel Gotcha, then yes a jacket and boots will help. Personally I like Canada Pooch brand stuff. They fit my dog really well.

I avoid any jackets that only uses velcro to stay on.
@yahleel I live in Minnesota and have a german shepherd. He loves being outside in the winter. I only limit his time in the yard when it’s over -10f windchill. Otherwise life just goes on for us.
@yahleel Each dog is going to be different. Some dogs are more sensitive than others and I think its important to observe your dog and only make changes when you can tell theyre uncomfortable outside. I find shoes make a huge difference for most dogs. Just having a physical barrier from the snow helps them retain so much more heat. A good waterproof jacket is great too, but I personally don't do much more in terms of bundling up. Most dogs aren't a fan of clothes and once he's moving on walks, he just doesn't need the extra layers. If your dog is cold even when all bundled up, it's probably best to change activities. Instead of outside walks, do training sessions at pet stores or other dog friendly indoor places. Try puzzle toys or scent work to burn energy indoors.
@yahleel I have an American bully/gsd. She has short gsd hair with the GSD undercoat. I bought her a Hurtta Expedition insulated parka. It works amazing. This last weekend we went snow showing together and she was comfortable as can be. I have a pair of polar snow boots for her but she prefers not to wear them in the cold. I'll only put those on if I know she's gonna be out in the elements for more than an hour. The parka fits perfectly under her harness