Seeking advice for unique situation


New member
Hi y’all! I’m an assistant (glorified maid) for someone who owns three active breed dogs (don’t want to be overly specific for the sake of privacy and keeping my job). The dogs are extremely under cared for when I’m not at work, which is 8-3 M-F. They have intense separation anxiety and one poops on the floor almost every single day sometime after I leave, or more likely in the morning when the owner leaves. They have no toys, no beds. They only follow a command if I have a treat and even then they get so excited and anxious about the treat that they’re almost too overwhelmed to listen. They follow me constantly around the house and every movement I make seems to indicate to them that we’re going outside so they bum rush the front door. All of their behavior indicates that they’re super in need of attention and love but also a little afraid and skeptical (it reminds me a lot of abused children who have anxious attachment to their guardian which breaks my heart).

I spend as much time with them as I have available and I try to play with them at least twice a day (outside playing fetch). It seems to help a bit, but they are so wound up and anxious that I don’t know what to do. I don’t know a lot about dogs in general but want make their little lives better and decrease their distress.

Any advice is welcome and really really appreciated.

Thanks all!
@ally143 That’s really sad :( can you ask their owner to get them a dog bed and maybe some Kong toys?

That said if you are playing with them 2x a day vigorously they are probably well exercised. When we take our dog to the park to play frisbee for 20-30 minutes he sleeps hard for like 5 hours after.
@ally143 8-3 is a time dogs are typically left alone, and is not very long. My dogs are alone about 9 hrs a day 5 days a week, they're not insane or needy. If you Play ball with them of course they are bum rushing the door to go outside! My dog will lie to get ball time, it is life, if my dog is awake it's time to play ball.I don't know the history of any of these dogs or how long you've been with them. Without knowing the breeds and background it's hard to tell how normal their temperament is.