Say it with me: “Don’t approach my dog.”


New member
This is your permission to say it.

“Don’t approach my dog.”

If someone else’s dog is pulling toward yours,
“Don’t approach my dog.”

If a child is running towards your dog,
“Don’t approach my dog.”

If someone is going to pet without asking,
“Don’t approach my dog.”

Say it. Square your shoulders, breathe in from your gut, and say it from your gut. Deep and clear. Hold your hand out in a “stop” motion. Force distance.
“Don’t approach my dog.”

Saying it is not rude. Saying it is nothing to be ashamed of. Saying it doesn’t make it your fault if the other person gets all weird on you. It’s okay if it’s a little awkward. The moment will end, and everyone will be better off for it.

Saying it is your job. It is your job to keep your dog safe and other people safe from your dog.

Saying it is being a good community member and good dog owner. Just like you’d yell “look out” if you saw someone about to be hit by a car.

You can add “please” to the front. You can add “they’re not friendly” or “they’re reactive” or “they’re in training and not ready for approaches yet” at the end. As long as you say it.

You can yell it, if someone isn’t listening. You can change it to “Get away from us right now,” if you have to. You can say it over and over and over, no matter what the other person says back to you.

This is your mantra. This is your permission. “Don’t approach my dog.”

(Note to self: follow your own advice.)
@richard1970 had someone clearly state “MY DOG ISNT NICE SO WERE GOING TO WALK RIGHT PAST YOU GUYS” to me and my dogs the other day i was shocked at the clear communication usually it’s LOL ITS FINE THEYRE FRIENDLY while my dogs losing its shit
@believingingod It really is so nice sometimes, granted depending on the owner. Other day my dog and I passed by an owner with two viszlas and we both did a magnet hand and switched dogs to the other side while passing a very tight path past eachother. It was so refreshing to see.
@leerain I say this to people often: "My dog is going to bark and lunge, but she can't get away from me, so please keep walking."

It's more to assure them that they're safe than anything, because nobody tries to approach when my dog starts up. She's massive and clearly ready to fight.

...okay, everyone but Cheryl's boss. I don't know the woman's name. All I know is that she's always yelling at poor Cheryl over the phone as she walks, and her voice is loud enough that I can understand the conversation from many houses away. This woman has a poodle, and when she sees me, even if my dog is already losing it, the idiot woman will try to walk past me every time. I'm not sure what point she's trying to prove, because my dog would shred hers without any effort, but she'll visibly change directions to come at me, will follow behind me, and is just a menace. I can usually calm my dog down with exercises (work in progress, but she's getting better), but when Cheryl's boss is literally shouting and power walking in my direction, it's a lost cause.

Poor Cheryl needs to find a new job.
@capper17 i feel your pain, some
people i tell “she’s reactive we don’t want to say hi” is merely a challenge to them and how it’s fine since their dog is friendly. Doesn’t help mines an adorable little shiba that looks like she wants to play but she really wants to rip the faces off their dogs and wear them like Hannibal Lector. One guy ignored me telling him to give us space insisting his dog won’t do anything, i said im not worried about your dog? i’m not trying to stress mine. NO ITS OK THEY CAN SAY HI. Next thing you know mine has a mouth full of his dogs fur and me saying i fucking told you. He now avoids us on walks.
@leerain Love that description!

And yeah, I have a neighbor like that, as well. He keeps suggesting we just let our dogs meet and see what happens.

No. I know exactly what will happen. His dogs are slightly bigger than mine, and there are two of them. My dog will still be the one walking away from that fight, and I don't want a lawsuit.

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