Sago Palm trees are extremely toxic to dogs


New member
Feeling heartbroken right now. I was digging up a Sago palm from our yard (because they're prickly and not attractive) and when I looked around our puppy Daisy was chewing on one of the roots. I went inside and did some research and discovered that Sago palms are extremely toxic to dogs. ( To make it worse, dogs are very attracted to eating this plant. We induced vomiting with hydrogen peroxide (look this up to find out how to do it safely) and she vomited twice within 10 minutes. I called the ER vet and they said to bring her in immediately. We also spoke to poison control so that they could consult with our vet.

Daisy is in the ER now and will be for at least 72 hours, maybe longer. Although she isn't showing signs of toxicity yet (they show up within 24 hours), the vet warned me that prognosis after ingesting Sago palm is often very poor. The toxins attack the liver, so they're monitoring her liver levels and giving her fluids, electrolytes and anti-nausea medication.

Think good thoughts for our sweet, sweet pup and if you have this plant in your yard or as a houseplant and you have a dog, it's recommended that you dispose of it right away.