Rottweiler Barking Training


New member
Hey yall. I have a 6 month old puppy. He follows commands such as Here, Sit, Down, Stay, Go, and NO very well. But I CAN NOT get a bark out...ever! He spoke a few times back when he was 2-3 months out of excitement. but now he's just not interested in making a sound besides wining...quietly too. I've tried jumping around, using toys as an excitement trigger, food, shouting, but nothing. I know it's a quiet breed but he has had 0 barks for months... Any tips on getting a quiet dog to speak?
@earthquakes So when you say “tried that”, do you mean you tried just barking at him, or do you mean you actually did DAID training where you get him to copy your physical actions for multiple other behaviours first to lead him into it conceptually?
@gdssldier I get on all fours and excite him with toys, bark in his face, sometimes give him a command and then bark, even howl, get in his face, I’ve made myself a fool for weeks. He just stares at me and slightly raises his ears
@earthquakes Uh huh. So that’s just you trying to get him excited. DAID is different.

Edit: ok I’m seeing that my original comment where I actually linked a video for you to watch seems to have stripped the video out, so no wonder you’re confused. Fucking reddit. BRB I’ll grab that link for you again