Room smells like dog even when everything is clean????


New member
Idk if this is the right place but I have nothing left. I’m about to wash the ceiling and see if that helps. I have that fake wood floor shi. No carpet, no dirty laundry. I’ll put her cloth and rope toys and leashes in air tight boxes. I’ll clean sheets and blankets and her bed. I’ll bathe her and clean the walls and the floors and everything will be good then I wake up and my room smells like dog again. I smell my sheets, nope still smell clean. I smell the damn dog, soapy. Her feet a little frito-y but i coconut oil them so they’re not really strong but that could be it maybe. I smell her dog bed, also smells like tide still. I air out the room and light an incense or candle. Good, great, smells fine. I close the window and bam 5 min later IT SMELLS LIKE FVCKING DOG. I’m literally going insane. The dog doesn’t even smell like dog but the air does????? I don’t know what to do. She is only three she eats Hills she used to eat worse food and better foods didn’t help. She only eats chicken diets maybe I try a different meat? BUT SHE DOESNT SMELL??? I’m at a loss. I’m staying mainly in a small room atm but I’m about to move into a bigger living space with carpet. it’s gonna get so much worse if I don’t figure out wtf is going on. Please someone please helps I tried an air purifier that did help a bit j need a bigger one and new filters but I need more help please. I’m bathing her once a month bc I don’t want to over wash her but by the end of the three week mark she literally smells liek a rat tail. Like I’m not kidding. Idk if anyone here has had a pet rat but if she’s due for a bath she smells like a rat tail so maybe it’s medical. I’m seriously at my end. I grew up in dirty home and I hate it I just want a normal good smelling home. Not a musty, dry stinky home AGAIN.

Maybe important details

She’s a medium sized dog I think she’s Cursinu or smth

the room we are in now is small and VERY dry I can’t breath through my nose bc it is so dry so maybe that means smth

Dog genuinely doesn’t smell bad though the room will she does smell bad if she needs a bath but otherwise she smells like soap.

We use hills food, the most natural treats I can find, I suspect she may have allergies as she scratches her face here and there and has dandruff in the spring and summer

Sorry ab format on mobile and in a hurry god bless if you had the patience to read xx

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