Rescuing a dog. Need advice!!!


New member
Good Morning All!

I (27m) am in the process of rescuing my second dog with my significant other. (27m) We have deliberated for over a year and agreed that we want to get a second dog since we have the financial stability (200k salary), history (both come from families with dogs), and time (both partial WFH and very flexible schedules). We were waiting for a bigger apartment and to stabilize financially. We feel the apartment we live in, in New Jersey is big enough (1100sqft with a 12x8 balcony, multiple dog parks in complex, and a fenced in field) will be great enough. When my dog is alone for 3-4 hours some days, I think it would be great for her to have company. Even though according to my camera she sleeps lol.

I currently have a 3 year old female spayed dog that I have had since she was 8 weeks old. She came from a local family in NC whos dogs… had puppies. So i took her. She has the best thing ever. She is a 40 pound Lab-Shepherd-Hound mix. Something like that lol. She has 0 aggression, and looooves dogs smaller and the same size as her. Cuddle monster. Easy to train. And loves to walk and do stuff.

So, I volunteer every year at this shelter in Aruba. And its getting busy. I fell in love with the Cunucu breed. They are hound mixes and only get to about 35-40 pounds. Friendly. Easy to get along with. There are so many in the shelter. I feel the Cunucu breeds would be a perfect match for my family and our situation at the current time. Relatively active, good with another dog and loves people. I dont and wont have kids, so thats no issue there lol.

However, getting a second dog is always tough. I have a few questions regarding this:
  1. Since I have a 3 year old female. Typically, what is the best type of dog to introduce to her. Another female, or male? I see conflicting answers everywhere.
  2. Is there anything you recommend I consider before moving forward? I have already began to adjust my schedules, got pet insurance quotes. From Trupanion, and have planned out the training schedules and time dedication if i move forward. After getting a dog three years ago and being heavily involved in the shelter, I feel I have a good decent amount of knowledge on what to do. However, I never want to assume.
  3. The first few days/weeks we will be with them 24/7, both dogs, and watch interactions between the two. Any behavior tricks?
  4. Furthermore, any tips other than tricks you should recommend to me that YOU wish you knew or others did before they got their second dog.
I would say we are ready. But I want this environment to be perfect for my new rescue in Aruba. Also, I will keep donating and volunteering every trip I make :)

I am open to any and all suggestions. Thank you thank you!!!