Recommendations for mats from the professionals!


New member

I have an 11 month old barbet that has been getting regular grooms since he was about 4 months old. I brush him almost weekly, but there are times that he develops some mats here and there and I was wondering what system you all recommend to make the de-matting process as smooth as possible (without shaving). Right now, I use a rake, this CC comb and this CC brush. However, I saw an instagram post with a 5-step brushing process. It makes sense to me, but I guess I need more details! Most specifically, do you have a dematting conditioner (or conditioner in general) that you recommend for mats? THANK YOU all.
@ront76 Line brush daily. Check with a comb. If he's getting matted to the point your current tools aren't getting it out, shaving is the most humane option.
@ront76 Line brushing with the tools that you already have is all that you really need. However you need to be brushing at least every other day. Doing it once a week is why he’s getting matted.
@ront76 I highly recommend that you consult with a behaviorist in order to gain some clarity into your situation. Full stop when you say things like you barely have time to care for yourself and mental health. That’s not a healthy dynamic. Brushing out mats and maintaining coat should not be a priority right now. I see how thick his coat is, if daily brushing is not ideal at this point in time I understand, but sometimes the haircut we want and the haircut we need are two different things. He may be suffering going through the grooming and dematting process. I have a ton of clients who are going through the same thing. You also have a young dog, and it’s not fair to put an expectation on him to maintain coat at the cost of both your sanity. I’m not saying that’s the situation, but there is something wrong with your dynamic with your pet, and it sounds like you could both be living a happier and more balanced life. I know sometimes it seems like just the cards you were dealt, but I think you need to prioritize yourself and your mental health. Best of luck to you both and I hope you find a solution for the coat as well.
@joanna1990 I appreciate your comment and already have an appointment with his vet this week and a trainer next week. This isn’t solely directed at your comment, but I do really want to point out that I said he has a few mats here and there - not that he’s constantly matted. I’ve actually gotten comments from my groomer that he is always well brushed - I just wanted to better myself. I’m surprised this post took the turn it did. But I’ve learned to “brush more” and will look for a conditioner. Thanks again for your advice.
@ront76 Oh sure! I wasn’t sure if it applied to your situation honestly. So sorry to be presumptive. I’m glad to hear you’re getting him on track and sounds like you’re doing everything right.
@ront76 “I brush him almost weekly” is the same thing as sayin “I take care of my dog almost one day week”. You should take care of your dog daily. They need the attention. Once it is under control it will take less than 15 minutes to brush entire dog. Keep up with and enjoy the one on one time with the pup.
@emjoe I get what you’re saying - my pup gets plenty of 1-1 time. Brushing almost weekly and “I take care of my dog almost once a day” is definitely not the same. I am with him literally 24/7 because of his extreme separation anxiety and other issues that take up so much of my mental energy I don’t have any left do keep up on personal care and my own mental health. But thanks for your comment. I will increase the brushing.
@ront76 Hi I have a barbet aged almost 13 months and I posted the same post when my boy was 11 months old. I think it must be a difficult stage with their coat. Our breeder in France (where we live) told us they don’t get their full adult coat until 2 years old.

More regular brushing is the only way. I was recommended the tools you already have. We do a section of his body per day - only takes ~30 mins and then a full brush once per week. We are finding that we have got him mat free down to the skin now.

However, we need to pay extra attention to belly, legs, ears/head, his behind and where his collar sits so they are the top up sessions.

I’ve looked at your old posts and it’s amazing how similar they seem - ours is an ‘on the feet’/‘in the way’ dog with separation anxiety! We are working on it but we know the breed likes being around their humans. I work from home so isn’t too bad currently Ourson

Edit: sorry, we line brush him. This is the way
@david2001 that's a great strategy re: brushing a bit a day. also, thank you for your comment about separation anxiety. when looking into the breed i knew they were "family oriented" but honestly, i didn't realize it would be this bad and it's been really hard for me. wishing you success with your S.A. training!
@ront76 Re brushing: yes, we work around 100-110 hours per week on average between us plus 2 hours per day walk, so is the only way for us to keep on top of him at this length. We will get him cut shorter for the summer but waiting for an appt at the groomers.

Yes I was a bit the same. The main question our breeder asked was if someone would be home with him. We have a good network of people he knows and loves but need to do serious work on the separation. It’s difficult because even the first step upsets him.

He’s got a brilliant recall - can be a totally off the lead dog even in the town centre. He is also a cuddle monster - if I say O do you want a cuddle, he will jump up onto the sofa and flop on me. There are upsides but I want him to be confident on his own, too.

Good luck with your SA training 😀
@ront76 Everything that other’s mentioned and also get conditioner, it will help in preventing matting, lots of groomers don’t use it for whatever reason. If you bathe yourself-brush really well, don’t let airdry if there are any tangles already present as it will make it worse. If hair gets wet in the rain also very important to brush out.
@ront76 Everything that other’s mentioned and also get conditioner, it will help in preventing matting, lots of groomers don’t use it for whatever reason. If you bathe yourself-brush really well, don’t let airdry if there are any tangles already present as it will make it worse. If hair gets wet in the rain also very important to brush out.
@barristerjezzdo THE RAIN. this must have been what spurred the most recent bout of mats. He LOVES the rain so we spent a whole weekend outside in the pouring rain playing in puddles. THANK YOU.