Recommendations for boarding/kennels in the Kent, U.K. area for dog with bite history?


New member
I’ve been struggling to find suitable care for my dog when I’m away since I got him 18 months ago. This is made almost impossible now he has a bite history, not because there aren’t lots of well-meaning people on various apps who are blinded by his cuteness and say they can cope, but because I REALLY don’t trust many people with looking after him and ensuring everyone’s safety.

Can anyone recommend a reputable place in the Kent, U.K. area that will take dogs like mine? He’s a sweetheart 95% of the time but has some wicked resource guarding that seems to pop up unpredictably and has multiple bites on his record.

He’s going to a conventional kennels for the first time soon and they’ve been fully briefed on him and quizzed on how they’ll manage any issues if they arise. He’s so sensitive though I don’t think this is a good option for him for long stays when I’m on holiday. Though, he may love it and surprise me!

He’s not dog aggressive at all, very submissive. Hasn’t ever lived with children and I wouldn’t trust him to.

Thank you in advance!
@ivyt85 Would the workers be safe around him? I would definitely ask yourself that. My dog doesn’t have a bite history but has come close, and I now can only board him with his trainer who knows exactly how he is and knows how to properly manage him.

Do you have any friends or family that he knows that could stay in your home? That sounds like the safest option. I just don’t think it’s fair to the workers if he has a bite history.
@michael_s The kennels he’s going to operate a rescue as well and have assured me they’ve seen it all, I can only go on what they’ve told me though. I have heard from others in my area that their dogs have had a good time there too. I should mention he is a small dog, 9kg, not that it makes the behaviour better but definitely easier to manager and get under control. Unfortunately, my friends mostly live in London and my family are not dog-savvy, he’s the first dog anyone in the family has had. I chose a kennel rather than a homeboarder as I thought it would be a safer option, more controllable, even if it’s not better for him emotionally
@ivyt85 Personally, I’ll only board my dog with his trainer. If he can’t go to them, my next option in a working dog kennel, where they are experienced with dogs like mine.

I’d never expect an average pet sitter to look after him.
@alex594 Sorry if my question was not clear, I’m not looking for an average pet sitter, I’m looking for someone experienced with nervous dogs. His walker watches him on occasions but he’s not always available and cannot do longer periods of time which is why I’m searching for another option
@ivyt85 I would ask for recommendations from a professional in your area. So either your vet or a local dog trainer that specializes in reactivity
@ivyt85 Most reputable boarding kennels should have experience with this, or at least call around the kennels and speak to them about it. The few I have spoken to have experience with boarding guarding breeds/aggressive breeds etc. There are a lot of kennels in kent and essex surrounding areas too many to list here. Most kennels that run a rescue alongside would have experience with reactives.