Recently developed issue with mounting/humping


New member
Dog is 4 y/o mix (suspected boxer/pit ish), he was altered at 8 months old. When he was first adopted, he attended daycare fairly regularly and did boarding at the same facility a couple times per year. He always received good feedback, socialized well and was polite enough (he loves wrestling and chasing/being chased.) Come pandemic, all of that halted. Trips were canceled, daycare for fun wasn’t in the budget. We supplemented by adding in extra walks, but he lost social playtime for nearly a year. We’re now getting reports that he’s humping and received a warning that if that behavior doesn’t decrease he might be kicked out. (He still seems to be enjoying the playtime, just getting overexcited.)

What can we do to work on training and improving his manners so this doesn’t become a larger issue? He is the only dog in the home, interacts well/calm with the two resident cats, and has good body language/behavior when he sees the two large dogs that live next door (though they don’t play in the same yard, just sniff each other and play side by side at the fence.)

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