Realizing just how far we’ve come


New member
over the weekend, our 1.5 y/o samoyed was behaving outrageously. he wouldn’t stop pulling on his leash, wouldn’t take simple commands like sit/leave it, and would bark constantly (which is pretty unusual for him as he knows to use “inside” voice when at home). in general, he was an absolute terror. dreaded taking him out because we never knew what he would do. and it felt like we were going backwards.

this morning, however, it was like a completely different dog has replaced our dog. he walked w a slack leash, didn’t chase squirrels/birds, didn’t dart out suddenly, etc. and on this walk i finally realized just how far he’s come from even six months ago. almost felt like crying from relief that everything we were doing was helping.

now, i just wait for this jekyll/hyde phase to be over. soon. so close. 🥲🥲🥲 but, really, just wanna share this victory because it can really seem like it’s only YOUR dog that doesn’t behave (lords knows i have thought this thought often), but just gotta keep steady and all of the hard work will pay off. probably, lol.