Reactive 4 y/o German Shepard


New member
I have a 4 year old German Shepard I got from the animal shelter. He is a sweet dog and loves humans. He also likes to play with other dogs.

My problem is that during walks he is reactive with other dogs. He starts with staring at the dog and when they react to him that is when he starts reacting. His reactions look like him lunging at the dog, tugging on leash, and barking at dog.

I am a small petite person (only 4’11, 100lb) so I am terrified that one day he will tug at the leash and I won’t be strong enough to hold him back.

I do not use a retractable leash and use a leather leash. I also have treats available to use.

What do you guys recommend I do to help with the reactions to dogs?
@imagebreaker i started with making my dog sit and take treats from my hand while the dog walks by across the street and then moved to walking by while slipping treats to keep her focus on me i’ve tried using the leave it command but she gets excited very easily (she loves other dogs and will bolt to get to them) and doesn’t listen unless food is involved so right now i’m just slipping her treats when we encounter other dogs and she doesn’t seem to care about them nearly as much

she only gets worked up now if they get worked up
@sviar 100% Robert Cabral, they are not cruel when used PROPERLY they are just another tool and some dogs absolutely need that extra help to understand.
@imagebreaker I’m also 4’11, 110 lbs with a reactive German Shepherd. Walk him on a Gentle Leader. It is a total game changer. You will have no problem keeping control of him using it. He will hate it for the first few walks but don’t give up - he will get used to it. When he drags his face on the ground to rub it off, just keep walking. Lots and lots and lots of treats when introducing it.

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